JW Plugins on MM?

It would be nice to have JW sequencers in MM. I reached out to Jeremy to see if he is interested in porting them.

UPDATE: He said that MM does not support graphic displays and that is an obstacle to porting them. Will this be resolved in 2.0?


That’ll be great. We just have to give 4MS more time to get the graphic draw and sample read/write going. My favourite JW-module below :grinning:


+1 to jw modules! the xy pad (gesture recorder) was one of the 1st i ever used and has a been a huge staple for my patches ever since. but like all his, has a heavy graphics aspect so im guessing it would be a while until we see his modules on mm.

yes those are my favorite sequencers, use them in every patch and I find it very hard to replicate that piano grid vibe in euro. I wouldn’t mind at all if the sequences still had to be drawn out in VCV and could then just be loaded into Meta. Maybe move the presets to a knob so pre programmed sequences could be modulated?

Now that Dev firmware had improved leaps and bounds, is it possible to do JW Modules? :cowboy_hat_face:

You would have to reach out to Jeremy and ask.

I ordered a Meta Module. I am looking at the readme for porting my modules.


super exciting news!!

That is awesome…welcome to the family! I am sure @danngreen would be happy to help!!

Extremely psyched for this, Jeremy.

Very cool! Welcome! And yes, please reach out for help with porting. I recommend using the v2.0-dev branch of the SDK because v2.0 is close to going into release-candidate stage, and it looks like some of your modules would benefit from a number of features in v2.0.

so stoked, been using your trigs and noteseq in every patch since day one. not sure how / if you’ll transfer these but happy for any of your modules to make it over. Thanks!

ya I got through the early steps and now I need to handle all the setSVG calls. What is the standard practice for replacing these.

I see this for converting metamodule-plugin-sdk/docs/graphics.md at main · 4ms/metamodule-plugin-sdk · GitHub

Edit: I have converted svgs to pngs. I see lots of [[deprecated]] void setSVG

It looks like that code may only be required for VCV Rack:

oh I see those are just warnings and deprecated thanks.

I found the actual errors and fixed them. And now I am here. It says it can’t copy plugin.json but I can right after. Not sure why. I think the rest works?!?!

[10:59 PM][~/vcv/JWMeta]cmake --build build
[0/1] Running utility command for plugin
Checking if symbols in /Users/jeremy/vcv/JWMeta/build/JWMeta.so would be resolved
All symbols found!
Creating plugin at /Users/jeremy/vcv/metamodule-plugins/JWMeta.mmplugin
Error copying file "../Rack/plugins/JW-Modules/plugin.json" to "/Users/jeremy/vcv/JWMeta/build/JWMeta/plugin.json".
FAILED: CMakeFiles/plugin.util
cd /Users/jeremy/vcv/metamodule-plugin-sdk && scripts/check_syms.py --plugin /Users/jeremy/vcv/JWMeta/build/JWMeta.so --api /Users/jeremy/vcv/metamodule-plugin-sdk/api-symbols.txt && cd /Users/jeremy/vcv/JWMeta/build && /opt/homebrew/bin/cmake -E echo "Creating plugin at /Users/jeremy/vcv/metamodule-plugins/JWMeta.mmplugin" && /opt/homebrew/bin/cmake -E rm -rf /Users/jeremy/vcv/JWMeta/build/JWMeta && /opt/homebrew/bin/cmake -E make_directory /Users/jeremy/vcv/JWMeta/build/JWMeta && /opt/homebrew/bin/cmake -E copy /Users/jeremy/vcv/JWMeta/build/JWMeta.so /Users/jeremy/vcv/JWMeta/build/JWMeta/JWMeta.so && /opt/homebrew/bin/cmake -E copy ../Rack/plugins/JW-Modules/plugin.json /Users/jeremy/vcv/JWMeta/build/JWMeta/plugin.json && /opt/homebrew/bin/cmake -E copy /Users/jeremy/vcv/JWMeta/plugin-mm.json /Users/jeremy/vcv/JWMeta/build/JWMeta/plugin-mm.json && /opt/homebrew/bin/cmake -E copy_directory /Users/jeremy/vcv/JWMeta/assets /Users/jeremy/vcv/JWMeta/build/JWMeta && /opt/homebrew/bin/cmake -E touch /Users/jeremy/vcv/JWMeta/build/JWMeta/SDK-2.0 && /opt/homebrew/bin/cmake -E make_directory ../Rack/plugins/JW-Modules/presets/ && /opt/homebrew/bin/cmake -E copy_directory ../Rack/plugins/JW-Modules/presets/ /Users/jeremy/vcv/JWMeta/build/JWMeta/presets && /opt/homebrew/bin/cmake -E rm -rf /Users/jeremy/vcv/JWMeta/build/JWMeta/.DS_Store && /opt/homebrew/bin/cmake -E make_directory /Users/jeremy/vcv/metamodule-plugins && /opt/homebrew/bin/cmake -E tar cf /Users/jeremy/vcv/metamodule-plugins/JWMeta.mmplugin /Users/jeremy/vcv/JWMeta/build/JWMeta
ninja: build stopped: subcommand failed.
[11:00 PM][~/vcv/JWMeta]cp "../Rack/plugins/JW-Modules/plugin.json" "/Users/jeremy/vcv/JWMeta/build/JWMeta/plugin.json"
[11:00 PM][~/vcv/JWMeta]

Maybe @etcetc has some ideas since he has done a ton of porting.

Found this on ChatGPT:

error: ninja: build stopped: subcommand failed

indicates that the ninja build system encountered a failure while executing a build command. The issue is usually caused by one of the following:

  1. Compilation Errors – A source file failed to compile due to syntax errors, missing headers, or incompatible code.
  2. Linker Errors – The build failed due to unresolved symbols or missing libraries.
  3. Dependency Issues – Some required dependencies (libraries, toolchains, or files) are missing or incorrectly configured.
  4. Permissions Issues – Lack of permissions to write or access necessary files.
  5. Out of Memory – The system ran out of memory while building large projects.
  6. Incorrect Configuration – A misconfigured build script (e.g., CMakeLists.txt) could generate an invalid Ninja build file.

How to Debug:

  • Look at the error message before this one in your terminal output. Ninja stops when a command fails, so the actual cause is usually in the preceding lines.
  • Run ninja -v for verbose output to see exactly what command failed.
  • Try rm -rf build/ && ninja to clean and rebuild.
  • If using CMake, regenerate Ninja files: cmake --fresh . -B build && cd build && ninja
  • Check system logs for memory or permission issues.
Run Build Command(s): /Users/jeremy/vcv/ninja/ninja -v
[0/1] cd /Users/jeremy/vcv/metamodule-plugin-sdk && scripts/check_syms.py --plugin /Users/jeremy/vcv/JWMeta/build/JWMeta.so --api /Users/jeremy/vcv/metamodule-plugin-sdk/api-symbols.txt && cd /Users/jeremy/vcv/JWMeta/build && /opt/homebrew/bin/cmake -E echo "Creating plugin at /Users/jeremy/vcv/metamodule-plugins/JWMeta.mmplugin" && /opt/homebrew/bin/cmake -E rm -rf /Users/jeremy/vcv/JWMeta/build/JWMeta && /opt/homebrew/bin/cmake -E make_directory /Users/jeremy/vcv/JWMeta/build/JWMeta && /opt/homebrew/bin/cmake -E copy /Users/jeremy/vcv/JWMeta/build/JWMeta.so /Users/jeremy/vcv/JWMeta/build/JWMeta/JWMeta.so && /opt/homebrew/bin/cmake -E copy ../Rack/plugins/JW-Modules/plugin.json /Users/jeremy/vcv/JWMeta/build/JWMeta/plugin.json && /opt/homebrew/bin/cmake -E copy /Users/jeremy/vcv/JWMeta/plugin-mm.json /Users/jeremy/vcv/JWMeta/build/JWMeta/plugin-mm.json && /opt/homebrew/bin/cmake -E copy_directory /Users/jeremy/vcv/JWMeta/assets /Users/jeremy/vcv/JWMeta/build/JWMeta && /opt/homebrew/bin/cmake -E touch /Users/jeremy/vcv/JWMeta/build/JWMeta/SDK-2.0 && /opt/homebrew/bin/cmake -E make_directory ../Rack/plugins/JW-Modules/presets/ && /opt/homebrew/bin/cmake -E copy_directory ../Rack/plugins/JW-Modules/presets/ /Users/jeremy/vcv/JWMeta/build/JWMeta/presets && /opt/homebrew/bin/cmake -E rm -rf /Users/jeremy/vcv/JWMeta/build/JWMeta/.DS_Store && /opt/homebrew/bin/cmake -E make_directory /Users/jeremy/vcv/metamodule-plugins && /opt/homebrew/bin/cmake -E tar cf /Users/jeremy/vcv/metamodule-plugins/JWMeta.mmplugin /Users/jeremy/vcv/JWMeta/build/JWMeta
Checking if symbols in /Users/jeremy/vcv/JWMeta/build/JWMeta.so would be resolved
All symbols found!
Creating plugin at /Users/jeremy/vcv/metamodule-plugins/JWMeta.mmplugin
Error copying file "../Rack/plugins/JW-Modules/plugin.json" to "/Users/jeremy/vcv/JWMeta/build/JWMeta/plugin.json".
FAILED: CMakeFiles/plugin.util
cd /Users/jeremy/vcv/metamodule-plugin-sdk && scripts/check_syms.py --plugin /Users/jeremy/vcv/JWMeta/build/JWMeta.so --api /Users/jeremy/vcv/metamodule-plugin-sdk/api-symbols.txt && cd /Users/jeremy/vcv/JWMeta/build && /opt/homebrew/bin/cmake -E echo "Creating plugin at /Users/jeremy/vcv/metamodule-plugins/JWMeta.mmplugin" && /opt/homebrew/bin/cmake -E rm -rf /Users/jeremy/vcv/JWMeta/build/JWMeta && /opt/homebrew/bin/cmake -E make_directory /Users/jeremy/vcv/JWMeta/build/JWMeta && /opt/homebrew/bin/cmake -E copy /Users/jeremy/vcv/JWMeta/build/JWMeta.so /Users/jeremy/vcv/JWMeta/build/JWMeta/JWMeta.so && /opt/homebrew/bin/cmake -E copy ../Rack/plugins/JW-Modules/plugin.json /Users/jeremy/vcv/JWMeta/build/JWMeta/plugin.json && /opt/homebrew/bin/cmake -E copy /Users/jeremy/vcv/JWMeta/plugin-mm.json /Users/jeremy/vcv/JWMeta/build/JWMeta/plugin-mm.json && /opt/homebrew/bin/cmake -E copy_directory /Users/jeremy/vcv/JWMeta/assets /Users/jeremy/vcv/JWMeta/build/JWMeta && /opt/homebrew/bin/cmake -E touch /Users/jeremy/vcv/JWMeta/build/JWMeta/SDK-2.0 && /opt/homebrew/bin/cmake -E make_directory ../Rack/plugins/JW-Modules/presets/ && /opt/homebrew/bin/cmake -E copy_directory ../Rack/plugins/JW-Modules/presets/ /Users/jeremy/vcv/JWMeta/build/JWMeta/presets && /opt/homebrew/bin/cmake -E rm -rf /Users/jeremy/vcv/JWMeta/build/JWMeta/.DS_Store && /opt/homebrew/bin/cmake -E make_directory /Users/jeremy/vcv/metamodule-plugins && /opt/homebrew/bin/cmake -E tar cf /Users/jeremy/vcv/metamodule-plugins/JWMeta.mmplugin /Users/jeremy/vcv/JWMeta/build/JWMeta
ninja: build stopped: subcommand failed.

it doesn’t actually do this-> Creating plugin at /Users/jeremy/vcv/metamodule-plugins/JWMeta.mmplugin

Isn’t the json file supposed to be:

plugin-mm.json ?

As far as I know it reads data out of the original plugin.json as specified in CMakeLists.txt as seen in here metamodule-plugin-sdk/README.md at v2.0-dev · 4ms/metamodule-plugin-sdk · GitHub