Just released v2.0.0-dev-12.5: MetaModule | Downloads
(Also, CVfunk has been updated to work with the new graphics, make sure to update that plugin)
This speeds up graphic screen a lot. It’s fast enough now that we can display the screens on the whole patch. Frame rate is split up between the number of visible screens.
This will probably be the last release of the dev-12 series.
Unless there’s a minor bug fix soon, the next release will be dev-13 which will add support for native plugin graphics. We’re almost there to v2.0!
Major changes
Draw graphic screens on PatchView page
Optimize graphic displays:
- Support filled concave polygons
- Big performance improvements
- More accurate rendering
- Clip to widget’s draw region
Allow mapping MIDI Note gates (on/off) to params: #471
Support Plugin aliases (multiple plugin names in VCV => one MM plugin): #470
Fixes and minor improvements
- Fix overloads when block size > 256 (DMA FIFO errors) (See Optimising sample playback routine for block size)
- Add missing RoundBigBlackKnob png
- Cleanup full-screen mode a bit
- Fix mapped knobs not always going to 1.0 or 0.0 (See Bug with discrete knobs/controls - I can't reach the highest discrete state with the mapped knob, but I can when manually adjusting the encoder)
- Fix modules with gaps in param ID list not getting set to their default value (See No audio passing through airwindows module)
- Draw SvgWidgets (ImageElements) below other elements (See How come sometimes graphics are invisible on top of the faceplate?)
- Firmware version string wraps if too long on Settings > Info tab (See Async Threads symbol not found when building)