Firmware v1.6.6

New update, some bug fixes and gets ready for the MetaAIO (aka audio/cv expander):

Download page here

Direct download here

Changes in v1.6.6 (since v1.6.4)

  • Fix CLKD module being stuck high sometimes
  • Fix DLD clock issues
  • Finalize Audio Expander support

Edit: v1.6.5 was recalled shortly after release, v1.6.6 has the correction that makes it work.


@danngreen, I’ve not been able to get this to work, I’ve post the details in Bug Reports Firmware 1.6.5 freezes unit after booting

Hmm… ok I rolled this back until I figure it out. Sorry about that.

OK fixed! Sorry again for the trouble, and thanks for the quick report.

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Hello, does it mean that the I/O expander will be released soon :slightly_smiling_face: ?. I’m in Europe (France) and very curious about when this expander will be available here. Such a great module deserve this expander :+1:

Yes, the I/O expander is almost ready and will be released next month!