I’ve tried updating both from the files obtained from the Download pagea and from the download from the direct link in the announcement. Unit goes through update OK including checksums and says “success”, after power cycle goes through autoload OK but when it loads the last patch it freezes at 0% and will not respond to either the encoder or the button. I originally had the EnergyRingModOsc patch loaded. I was able to revert back using the WebUSB DFU method to 1.6.4. after trying the files from the announcement link and failing, I thought maybe that it had to do with the patch and switched to the built-in Djembe-4-verb and tried one more time, still freezes. At this point I’m back to 1.6.4.
Ok, thanks for the report. I’ll get to the bottom of it and post a fix
OK, it’s fixed now. v1.6.6 is the latest