VCV Reverb worked earlier today, now doesn't load?

Got mm on Thursday, had a chance to play today.
I have a hw ensemble and needed a vca. So - I made a simple patch that also used the VCV reverb.
I was playing on it for several hours and loving it.
I made change and tried new file - mm tells me that it can’t load the VCV Pro module.
I tried to open the older file (see below) same message. Firmware 1.2.1
I know it says Plateau but I changed it to this and didn’t get around to changing name and description.

K_VCA+BogVCF+Envins+Plat.yml (4.0 KB)

The VCV Pro modules are not available on meta module, so VCV Reverb can’t be used. Your yml has VCV-Pro:Reverb listed as one of the modules (in module_slugs). You will need to swap that with one of the supported reverbs.

Ok - but it worked for a while. And I am not making this up.
I also have the pro version of VCV rack. Ok is there another good simple verb?

Maybe try 4ms Freeverb?

Yeah I tried that but it was not full enough and Plateau has too many controls - currently trying airwindows infinity.

Mutable Instruments Clouds has reverb (you’ll need to check what it has been called in Cloned Instruments)

Airwindows Galactic/Galactic2 are big sounding reverbs

recommend airwindows galactic (not galactic2) as it does full stereo, and runs at about 20%

I went back to the 4ms freeverb… Thanks!

Hi - highly recommend watching this YT on Valley Plateau, as Omri says “much more than just a reverb” …

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Thank you, I will do this now!

Is there a way to load module preset patches on mm?
I found some presets for Plateau just now, I can load a preset in VCV by right clicking on the module. Is there a way to do this on the mm and where would/should I store the presets for a module on the sd card?

The Meta Module doesn’t have any way of dealing with presets at the moment. The only way to use those presets in the MM is to load the preset in VCV Rack, then save a Meta Module patch and transfer to the MM.

Thank you.

I don’t know if I should start another post?
Plateau with the Ambient Lush 2 preset found here, if I turn the size knob to about 9o’clock the patch stops working, like some sort of overload… I have to open a different patch and reopen this one.
K_VCA+BogVCF+P4verb.yml (5.5 KB)

  • this has been fixed in beta 1.4.0b3

definitely a good post for the bugs section

I want to second this post, Plateau is one of my favorite reverbs in ANY platform, and getting access to it on Eurorack is one of the reasons getting metamodule was an instant buy for me (yes I know some hacked versions of it exist)

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