Sourcing knobs for MM

I want to replace the black knobs on MM with rainbow colored ones that match their rings. I found the trim pot caps on modularaddict, but I can’t find any Davies 1900 clone knobs with the pointer going the right way. The only d-shaft ones I could find are on thonk, and the pointer goes the opposite direction as the knobs on MM.

Does anyone know where I can get d-shaft Davies 1900 knobs in every color, with the pointer on the flat side?

No, I’ve only seen black Davies in reversed format. I’m considering doing something similar, but I switched my MM knobs to Selcos, since that is what I’ve put on all of my other modules. Selco caps can be any position, so reversed it not an issue. Just need to order Red/Yellow/Orange/Magenta/Green caps from somewhere. I have light gray caps for now which look fine, but I was thinking the colors would look cool.

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I looked harder and found a seller on Etsy called Trapdog that does custom 3d-printed knobs in every color and you can specify the pointer direction. $30 for a set of 8. They market them as being replacements for the SP-404, so they might be too big, but I generally like bigger knobs. We’ll see how they fit when they arrive from the UK.

Got mine on Thonk - Tall Trimmer Toppers – Thonk – DIY Synthesizer Kits & Components

Trimmer Toppers are great, I’ve got a bunch of them on various modules. But I think people are wanting to replace the big knobs.
Which is a great idea, it would be much easier to see than the colored rings.

Yes, I’m talking about replacing the big knobs with these…
…which are available with the reverse pointer direction.

I have use the Davies clone setscrew knobs on flatted D shafts with no problems. Get the Thonk ones with the metal inserts. The setscrew is positioned perfectly for the flats on most D pots. We used them on my Alps pots on my Synthwerks PGM-4X4 and we had 16 on each module. Worked great. If you are lucky, as we were, the setscrew was also at the perfect height to bottom out on the flat and keep it at the perfect height. Take one off another module if you have one and try it out.

Good to know. But again, it’s the colors we’re looking for.

Thonk has a full rainbow selection of colors. -

Yes, I saw the ones on Thonk, however the set screw is on the opposite side from the pointer, as is always the case with set-screw knobs, and that means the screw would not register with the flatted side of the pot shaft, but rather with the rounded side, since MM uses reverse D pots. In my experience, that does not generally work.

Got the knobs, they’re fantastic. They fit perfectly and they look fire.

I posted the link earlier in the thread if anyone else wants some. You have to select “zero degree” pointer orientation.


oh those look fresh! and maybe a bit easier to recognize quickly on stage than the current ones

Can you point me where to get the ones with the metal inserts?

Well Thonk used to sell them, at least I think I bought mine from there. If you do a search for “Davies 1900 clone knobs brass insert” you will get a few hits. Lots of places that cater to the pedal market have them.

That is a bummer. Most D shafts will work. I guess you can always use metal shims to fill the flatted side and then any setscrew knob will work. If the flatted shaft starts its flat high enough, the metal inserts might be able to grab the still round part of the shaft and give enough support.
With this small a number of pots to work with (and not a production run) it would not be too much of a hassle to DIY something.

Before finding the Trapdog ones, I also considered just drilling and tapping a new hole for the set screw on the opposite side of the Thonk knobs, which wouldn’t be too bad for just six knobs.

Sitting pretty!

Got these from love my switches, about 12 bucks shipped, 2 days to arrive.
I need to lift the knobs a bit otherwise the screw will bite the base of the pot and it becomes harder to turn. Overall pretty happy but not perfect. Now to get some tall trimmer toppers.

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I have these knobs
and one of these red knobs

They’re taller than davies but are pretty tactile.

My color matching journey. I got some so braided cables (so they are different from the rest) but unfortunately this brand only sell packs and not individual cables.

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