Saved patch names not appearing on card

OK, I’m new here (but not a noob) updated to latest FW first, also a new user of VCV so steep learning curve going on.

However, when saving a patch on VCV, regardless of the name I save a patch as, they all appear as the same name when wanting to load via the card.

See screenshot. Two patches saved (Patchy and Drummy) both appear as Patchy when wanting to load via card. Not a problem with just two patches, but will become an issue with more.

Are you changing the name and/or description on the MetaModule inside VCV Rack before hitting the red save button?

also ive noticed if you use characters such as ‘!’ - like !crazypatch!, the metamodule has issues there

Nope, hit save, name the patch, that’s it.

No special characters, just upper/lower case

the files that show up in the mm’s browser, they named based on the description in the metamodule in vcv:


sometimes i wish they were named in mm directly from the .yml filename. but so it is