Sapphire modules!

Pleased to announce five modules from the Sapphire collection ported from VCV Rack:

  • Frolic
  • Galaxy
  • Glee
  • Gravy
  • Hiss

As usual, these can be downloaded on the Plugins page: MetaModule | Plugins


BTW… Elastika was ported as well, but has not been optimized for the MetaModule’s architecture yet. So, only runs at 24kHz (you can actually run two Elastikas at 24kHz, but because of the way the cores work you can’t run one at 48kHz). Therefore, it’s not in this plugin release. But – if anyone is truly adventurous and understands the limitation, I’m happy to supply an experimental release that has this module too.


Awesome - thanks. Looking forward to trying them out :slightly_smiling_face:

Hello everyone, I’m Don Cross, the author of the Sapphire plugin. I’m excited to see these modules up and running in the MetaModule environment. I’ll be lurking here on the forum. Anyone who is interested in Sapphire modules is welcome to reach out and say hi.


Hey Don, thanks for letting us use your code! I’m a big fan of Elastika — looking forward to that one being done.

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awesome ty dan&don! sapphire are great- esp Elastika! - really looking forward to leveraging that beast in mm when it’s ready to hit

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Hello Don! Here one more (big) fan of Elastika, together with Nucleus and Tube Unit. I ordered the module after seeing the Sapphire name appear…