This is just a very simple random voice clouds generator for those that just want chill relaxing music in the background playing. I created this for the purpose of trying a simple patch that didn’t take up that much cpu (48%) so people can add to it. It has the following plugins:
- Foundations Seq 3 (aka VCV Free Seq 3) which is a simple and great module with an internal clock that you can set exactly to a set bpm on VCV rack, as it shows the BPM in .01 increments and type it in.
- 4MS Rotating Clock which isn’t required but allows you to add to this patch to clock other items in different speeds and to get a gate vs trigger.
- Foundations Mult (aka VCV Free Mult) used to multiply clock.
- Foundations RND (aka VCV Free RND) used to add a random VC and have control so it’s still musical and not all over the place.
- Foundations QNT (aka VCV Free QNT) used to quantize signals from SEQ2
- Foundations CVMIX (aka VCV Free CVMIX) used to mix the quantizer with random VCV to have a random voice.
- Foundations ADSR EG (aka VCV Free ADSR EG) simple envelope generator for the Audible Instruments, aka Mutable Instruments, Marco Oscillator.
- Foundations VCA (aka VCV Free VCA), a VCA for the Oscillator.
- Cloned Instrument Algorithm VCO (aka Audible Instruments Macro Oscilator) - the sound generator.
- Valley Plateau - as an effect module.
Knobs mapped to the SEQ steps (please note counter clockwise for higher notes), Clock speed and steps and Macro Oscillator wave choice and timbre. Secondary knobs are for the effects Plateau.
Meta Module Ambient.yml (14.1 KB)
Meta Module Random CV Ambient Tones.vcv (3.9 KB)
Easy ways to modify this patch is if you have your own voice, you can easily patch out then back in to the Plateau.