Pseudo Baroque patch (updated to v3)

A deceptively simple patch using 3x Basic Sequencer and 3x Pony VCO going into 3x DDLY and Plateau reverb. Different speeds are used for the three voices, creating a hocketing effect. Timbre variations help the phrases to breathe. Turn the BPM up and it’s more Berlin school than JS Bach @ Mannheim. CPU usage: 83% (32 kHz sample rate, 64 block size).

Pseudo Baroque.vcv (4.6 KB)
Pseudo Baroque.yml (22.8 KB)


Pseudo Baroque patch updated to v2. This adds switching between two scales, currently melodic and natural minor (change in QNT menu). Controls to alter scale change speed and to reset change. Module count is 32, which is the maximum permitted by firmware 1.4.1.

Pseudo Baroque v2.yml (26.1 KB)

Nice update.

Definitely showcases the need for polyphonic cabling.

I presume the overhead of processing multi signal paths would still be less than having to triple the number of modules in a three voice patch like this.

Hopefully this is something that can be introduced in a future update.

Thanks. It did have switching between three scales, but that exceeded the module limit.

I suppose you could get rid of one of the delays, by sticking the other two after the STmix, and then adding another slow delay to modulate some of the OFST’s of the 6 QNTS to add some voicing variation.

It surprises me how much CPU the simplest LFO’s use in 4msMM and I was wondering if it would be possible to code a simple linear triangle/saw wave LFO that just linearly interpolates between two values - just simple additive/subtractive math.

Dan - is there any reason why such a thing couldn’t added? I realise it might break from the vcv/4msMM paradigm but LFO’s are the bread and butter of modular…

Good ideas. I’ll have a bit of a play with alternatives.

Pseudo Baroque patch updated to v3. Module count is now 38, so MM firmware needs to be updated to 1.4.3-beta-3 or later to run it. Patch switches between four scales, currently melodic minor, natural minor, bebop minor and Hungarian minor. These can be changed in vcv by right clicking on each of the QNT modules. Plateau has been replaced by Galactic2 to reduce CPU usage. CPU usage: 85% (32/128).

Pseudo Baroque v3.vcv (5.6 KB)
Pseudo Baroque v3.yml (27.5 KB)

There’s apparently some bug in Galactic2, so I’ve changed the reverb to Galactic. The CPU usage is now 77% (32/128).

Pseudo Baroque v3.yml (27.5 KB)