Yup, go buchla on it. Switching from one preset of say a set of plaits settings, to another instantly sounds pretty amazing.
the only way it would work is is I can isolate all my desirable presents to one folder, then have some way to route the input cv (a module?) to the “change preset” to next given increasing/decreasing voltage.
would be awesome… so say I design like 18 plaits settings, save them all one by one, and then change through them live automatically or just use them as different timbres per hit etc.
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i also think this would be pretty useful! and one step further, having a whole patch preset system, letting you save the knob/button positions for the entire patch. then have something like the ability to morph between these full patch presets. reaktor does this really well with its snapshot system and you can get some pretty deep, insane sound designs just playing with that snapshot morph slider.
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Don did it in the 70’s I’m sure we can do it now (whatever, you know what I mean). anways this would help the meta be even more meta