Polyphonic Rings Midi In


Been experimenting with using meta module as a polyphonic chord voice. Sequqenced from my Vector Sequencer along side a bassline and drums.
Recording of this test has the set up:
vector midi device out>4ms rings patch >beads>fx aid
vector>moog grandmother
drum machine>vector

This opens up so much as I can essentially sequence a chord voice from the module. The patch itself has 6 ring voices with polyphonic midi set up. After some testing I found the reset setting to be the best for note voicing. This patch also works plugging in a midi keyboard

It works fairly well, although I cant seem to switch to different rings settings without crashing CPU.
polyrings midi slimming down cpu.vcv (3.4 KB)
PolyRings MIDI.yml (19.2 KB)

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let me know if there is a better way to format SoundCloud files

Thank you very much for this patch. It is a nice sounding setup. I reduced the number of resonator modules from six to three and have not had any issues with crashing when switching the settings. Iā€™m sequencing it with my Mac and then running the output through a Mimeophon and a Desmodus Versio.

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great to hear. I think a polyphonic voice is a great way to use this module! Exciting opportunities. I might try to put together some other voicing options