Patch wouldn't load and remains in the list of files after deletion

Hi. I created a complex patch (26 modules) that wouldn’t load in MM. No error messages, just not loading. All the modules should have been compatible with MM, so I need to find the culprit. Weirdly, even after deleting the yml file from the card, the file still shows up in the list of files on the card, even after rebooting MM. Here’s the file for anyone interested in trying it:

DejaVu.yml (112.9 KB)

Actually, I see that the file is huge in comparison to other patches I’ve made, so perhaps the size of it prohibited the loading. It doesn’t explain why it remains in the list of files, though.

The patch not loading is for the same reason as this:

The OrangeLine Mother saves a large chunk of data in the patch file, and it exceeds what the MM caps the patch file size. I will raise this size, just haven’t gotten to that on my TODO list!

As for why it continues to show up in the file list, there must be a copy of it somewhere. Keep in mind that the Patch Name (which is what you see in the list of patches in the Load Patch screen) is not necessarily the same as the file name (which is what you see if you put the USB disk into a computer).
BTW, this is something we’re addressing in the next firmware release.

So, there is some patch file on your SD Card or USB drive that has the Patch Name “DejaVu”. There’s various ways to find this. Once I fix the issue with large patches not loading, it’ll be easy to do from within MM, but for now you could open each patch with a text editor and look for the words “patch_name: DejaVu” on the second line. One of them will be called that.

Thanks, Dan. I’ve found the culprit file. The patch uses multiple instances of OrangeLine Mother and Dejavu; presumably they also save large chunks of data in the patch, given the size of the file.

Ok great. I just extended the max file size to 1MB, and it loads now

That’s excellent news!