Oct Module Freezing

Whenever I go into the Oct module in this patch, the meta freezes and I have to reboot
StepWave.yml (10.2 KB)

FYI, I’ve mapped the MIDIMIX to most of the parameters of the StepWave module and want to assign a fader to the Oct module CV in.

edit: I should say that I’m on the 2.x firmware fully updated with latest plugins :slight_smile:

Also, when I load the patch, the display for the stage value (the blue trace in the visualisation) shows way off the page until I lower the values by MIDI as shown here

It’s a minor annoyance and doesn’t impact the patch.

Does it work if you roll back to firmware v1.6.1?

I can confirm that the OCT behaviour only happens on the 2x firmware

Thanks for the report.
I can confirm this bug, too (but just in the v2.x development firmware)

In the future, please post bug reports for development/beta firmware (v2.x-dev) in the original thread: https://forum.4ms.info/t/development-firmware-v2-0-dev-1

That will help us keep things organized, and also be less confusing to users who are on the official firmware.

Ok, I found the issue with OCT and fixed it. It’s pushed to the v2.0-dev branch of the plugins repo, and will make its way into the release v2.0-dev-9.1

As for the blue line drawing issue on the StepWave, looking at the patch file, I see invalid values for the parameters of StepWave. Aha! I think there’s a bug in the MIDI mappings… Thanks for the find!

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Oh wow, I didn’t think it was significant but happy to help and I’ll keep my eyes peeled for anything else. Apologies for the incorrect forum :wink: