Noise Plethora - can’t seem to change banks

Hi - looks like switching banks is disabled.

Any chance we could manage this using the encoder knob?

Happy to take a look at adding something only to the metamodule version for convenience (e.g. a discrete button). Not 100% sure what’s possible though!


That’d be awesome - thanks @hemmer !

Fyi this is fixed in the latest firmware


Awesome - thanks! :raised_hands::raised_hands:

Hey @hemmer,

Thanks for your amazing work :raised_hands:t3:

Facing an issue/limit as I’m working on a patch for the MetaModule in VCV Rack focusing on the Noise Plethora.

I can’t get a MM knob to move/control the Program/Bank selection (endless) knob. When I move the MM knob the endless NP Program/bank knob doesn’t move.

I can change programs within a fixed bank mapping the MM knob to an offset connected to the NP Program Select CV inputs, but can’t find a way to change banks from the MM knobs in VCV.

Looking at the NP inside the MM I see we get all needed controls mappable and working there - the Program/Bank selection and the 2 switches.
Can’t we access these same options in VCV Rack ? Is editing the patch in the MM the only option at this stage ?

Please advise. Thanks !

If you scroll to the end of the parameters list, there is a metamodule only option to switch between bank and program mode, and to switch section:

This mechanism is necessarily a bit different to VCV version, but in either you should be able to change between bank/program and top/bottom no?

If I understand you correct then no it’s not possible to map those “metamodule only” parameters using the hub in VCV, sorry! Even if they were possible parameters, they would be hidden knobs (not visible) and it wouldn’t be possible to map to them. The hack to make this work in MM is basically two invisible knobs on top of the main knob.

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Thanks for your quick reply Ewan !

Yes I know about these parameters accessible from the MM - works great !

My issue is that I can’t control the Program/Bank Selection endless knob from the MM hub in VCV - even after mapping the MM knob doesn’t actually move the endless knob on the NP :

I understand the only option to map MM knobs to control the Program/Bank Selection endless knob (to change programs or banks) is from the MM itself - just means I’ll have to finish my patch in the MM.

Thanks again :raised_hands:t3:

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I suspect this is because of limitations in the API, as MM knobs aren’t endless - we made the MM Noise Plethora Program/Bank knob just the range 0-1 for this reason. Sorry it’s a bit fiddly, but hopefully the core functionality is still possible (i.e. changing program on the fly in MM).

Yes it looks like it could be related to the endless nature of that knob.

No big deal anyway - I’m mapping offsets to the program selection CV inputs in VCV to control the programs and I’ll use the MM interface to switch banks.

Such a great module and versatile sound source ! Might well end up getting a hardware one :slight_smile:
If only it tracked 1v/o !

Thanks again, cheers

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