Since there’s a lot of VCV users here, Im curious if you guys are using Mac’s or not. I’m currently eye-balling the new Macbook Pro M4’s but not sure if I’d get a performance boosts from the Max or Pro chipsets.
I MIGHT delve into a little bit of Ableton Live and MAYBE mess with Max/vsynth stuff again.
Curious what your experiences are with those machines (Macs)…
Yep - currently using an M1 Mini and have an M4 on the way as it’s getting a little slow for production these days.
What are you using on it? I havent been in the Mac-space for a few years now so I missed the whole Apple Silicon change over.
Running Logic X with a fair few Softube, UAD and PA plug-ins and a lot of audio recorded from hardware. Always been stable and at launch was much, much faster than previous Macs I’d owned.
Only real issue I’ve had is limited USB ports but a couple more on the new one so that’s sorted 
Did you get your M4? Curious how you’re liking it. I still haven’t purchased anything. Had a bunch of emergency home/health issues that have popped up. Might not pull the trigger until after the new year.
I did and despite not being officially supported by most of the apps I’m using it’s been completely fine and super fast.
Ironically the only issue I’ve had has been with Logic 
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I’m curious how well the M4 would handle at the same time:
- Ableton Live recording two channels (left and right)
- OBS Streaming
Been doing this since 2020 with an entry level M1 Mac - so no sweat. An entry level M4 will smash these kinds of trivial tasks. VCV runs like a champ.
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Great thread to get an idea of what musicians are using Apple Arm Chips for:
Long thread. TLDR: even an entry level M4 will cover all but the most demanding music related tasks.
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Awesome! Thanks! I’ll check that out
I recorded these on my M1 with a similar setup, so yeah it isn’t going to have an issue there!
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