Modules with Run/Stop

I use my MPC ONE to clock all my gear sending clock and transport everywhere that needs it. Some modules in VCV have a Run/Stop or even an On/Off switch, like the Step Wave from CV Funk. Question is, how do I set up a patch so that the Step Wave, stops and starts from the beginning when I start the rest of my gear?

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use midi clock start → reset (step wave)

That kinda works but it doesn’t stop the Step Wave when I stop the MPC. In VCV I just use the Clocked module as it has dedicated Run/Reset outputs but I’ve not found a clock module that is ported to the MM that has those.

Thanks tho, it’s a start :wink:

stopping… that depends how your midi clock is setup, many will stop sending clock when transport is off… not sure about MPC, might be a setting for this.

if not, you can just use a bit of logic, basically use midi start to ‘open a gate’, then stop to clock it, then send the clock thru it. off the top of my head, Id do this with a sequential switch with 2 steps. then run clock into vca using with that switch as cv input.

that said, step wave has on/off, so you could probably just use midi start/stop to drive that.

note: be careful of midi continue… you’ll need to treat this the same as midi start except without reset.