Midi mapping questions

  1. Can I midi map a cc from external usb controller to mm knob that is mapped to another module. MM Knob A mapped to VCA level. Midi map BCR cc81 to MM Knob A? I did this in VCV rack 2.

    When I look at the manual it talks about mapping to existing module in patch but NOT about mapping to knobs on MM itself.
  2. Can I make a midi map in VCV - save it to MM sd card - move it to MM load it? So far this has not worked for me.
  3. Does MM have any indicator of what midi device is connected via USB port?
  4. Do I have to make my midi maps in MM only? I was just able to map the VCA cv in, like the picture - but done directly on MM. When I did that I did see that the mapping for the cc was already set to 81 which is what I set it to in VCV rack, but it had not taken or switched out of note mode. I went back to original state of patch coming from VCV rack. I open it in MM and look at the mapping for the VCA cv and you can see that cc81 is set but it is still on note mode.

    Also - when I did get the mapping to work, it unmapped the mm knob A. I was hoping to be able to do both. Not sure my description is clear…

Any help here or suggestions?

according the manual: “You can map MIDI CCs to knobs using the MIDI-CC module [in vcv].” - so we should be able to use vcv to make the maps and then transfer the yml to the mm, and then plug in our midi controllers on the mm and it should just work

according to the manual, you should also be able to use vcv. but perhaps there could be a bug… i will try and do some tests later

i don’t think this is possible. i think you can only map either the mm knob to a module, or map the midi cc to a module. but not both. but im curious now, and will add this to the test i will do later

the mm does not tell us what controller is hooked up, but this would be useful! please make a feature request for this. i will +1 it!

ok lunch break. tested out mapping a knob on my midi controller(its a custom knob box that uses an arduino leonardo) within vcv using the fundamental midi map module (as shown in manual), mapped to the slider in the bog mix1(with a ref sine tone module running into it)… and then transferred the yml over to the mm via 1st kvm, switched over to the midi controller via 2nd kvm, and it worked just fine on the mm. definitely way easier to map midi knobs via vcv than setting all mappings up on the mm.

and just tried in vcv to map the mm knob A to the mix1 (after i’d already midi mapped my knob to it) and it seemed to just override the midi mapping with the mm knob A one. so there’s that. i think in most cases most people won’t need to have both midi knob and mm knob mapped to the same thing… or if they did they could use the fundamental cv mix module, but of course with that one you can only use a virtual cable from there. hopefully we can see something like stoermelders ‘umap’ functionality in mm at some point (to map the output of any module to any other virt knob, button or slider)

fwiw i am use the latest firmware 1.4.1 mentioned here

Thank you for testing that, I had not tried since 1.3, where it didn’t work…

I will try it again tonight.

Working now, cool, maybe I was doing it wrong before.