MetaModule Tag in Rack to identify supported modules

Yeh, thanks! I guess the easiest way would be to somehow tag modules that work in MM and be able to isolate them with a search string. Probably way more involved that it might seem :slight_smile:

@danngreen noticed that my script no longer works for the 4ms modules, i.e. it no longer sets them as favorites. Did something change in the way you are listing them?

Yes, we changed how the plugin and built-in metadata is cached.
The built_in.yml file is still active, but the format changed a bit: instead of a separate list for MetaModuleIncludedSlugs and MetaModuleIncludedModules, there’s just one list with in slug: module-name form. So it shouldn’t be too much of a change to get the script to use that format.

For plugins, we don’t keep a big list anymore. Instead we keep a list of the url where the .mmplugin file is hosted, and then when there’s an update we scan that for the module names and slugs and generate the plugin page.
Let me talk with the team and see if we can easily export a yaml file while we’re parsing the mmplugin files.