Ok! We are generating a new release for the plugins with the new json file format, so when that’s done the links to the yml files above will have the latest info.
In the mean time here they are:
built_ins.yml (13.4 KB)
plugins.yml (32.5 KB)
The MetaModuleIncludedSlugs
field is the one you’re going to be interested in.
Awesome! Thanks!
I looked over the files and the only one that looks weird is Airwin2Rack…
The only included slug is “Airwin2Rack”
Awesome! Thanks!
I looked over the files and the only one that looks weird is Airwin2Rack…
The only included slug is “Airwin2Rack”
*Edit: nevermind! I see that that’s how the module actually works in VCVRack
Just finishing up the script. I have noticed that the yaml file at https://metamodule.info/dl/built_in.yml is still the old format and does not contain the MetaModuleIncludedSlugs. @danngreen, can you fix? I have also written a script that removes all your favorites from Rack. As soon as the yaml is updated I will push to git and share links. Also renamed all the scripts and added error handling and status info.
P.S. will add an option to also add the “MetaModule” tag, but wanted to get the first version done so folks could at least see supported modules as favorites (this was a critical step to a practical workflow for me).
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Ok, sorry about that, we pushed an earlier branch. It’s updated now.
Here it is in case your browser is caching the old version (as is mine):
built_in.yml (13.9 KB)
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Scripts are now all updated. They are:
exportfavorites.py (VCV → json)
importfavorites.py (json → VCV)
resetfavorites.py (remove all VCV favorites)
onlineimportfavorites.py (official YAML files → VCV, requires installation of py-yaml library)
All at gregornoriskin/4MS-MetaModule-Scripts: Scripts for managing VCV Rack module tags and favorites to support using the 4MS MetaModule Eurorack module (github.com)
Let me know if you find issues. Will added “MetaModule” tagging soon.
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Not only do I love a good script, I love me some good data! Thanks for this!.
Gonna start working on a script to generate a “MM <=> VCV” name mapping document.
Any possibility of getting this to work for mac?
@danngreen So as I was trawling the YAML files (and by trawling, I mean using a Jupyter notebook), I noticed that for the most part, the MetaModuleIncludedModules
and MetaModuleIncludedSlugs
lists have the same count. The only exception I’m seeing is Airwindows.
Not a big deal, as obviously it’s a single module in VCV that had to be broken out for the MM.
However the thing I’m slightly confused about is that in general, it appears as the values in the MetaModuleIncludedModules
list correspond to the name in VCV, and values in MetaModuleIncludedSlugs
correspond to what shows up in MM (based on the ChowDSP plugin).
However with the Airwindows plugin, it seems this “convention” (assuming I was correct about that) is reversed.
Just wanted to see if I was wrong in my initial assessment, or if you may have accidentally reversed things in building out the YAML.
Yup, should be trivial. Would only need to detect the OS and generate the appropriate paths accordingly. Don’t have a Mac, so if someone can tell me where Rack is installed (or more precisely the path to the settings.json file) by default I will update the script. I will work out how to get the home folder (if it is a different from the API I am using already… doubt it will be because the os module should abstract out the underlying os).
Thank you! Here is the path to the settings.json file on Mac (you can see the file path up top).
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@steveflato Done. Should now work on MacOS. Give them a go and tell me if that works.
Wow! Thank you. Unfortunately I’m getting this error with onlineimportfavorites
Am I doing this the right way? First, I typed pip install PyYAML==6.0.2 into terminal which installed PyYAML I believe. Then I used the application “Python Launcher” and dragged the onlineimportfavorites.py script onto the Launcher dock icon (that’s the only way I know how to launch python scripts, I’m sure there’s a better way). After doing that I got the error in the image.
This is an issue with the underlying HTTP client that the python urllib library is using. It seems it does not like the certificate that is being presented by the 4MS site. Try downloading those two yaml files with Safari at least once and then try again. Worst case I will provide a switch to use local files instead and you can just manually download the two yaml files and put them in the same folder as the script.
Which yaml files do I download with Safari? I’ll give it a shot, just not sure which URL to open.
Best way to launch the script is just from the terminal. Python should be installed by default. I was testing this script with python 3.10 and 3.12 but it should work with earlier versions. Not sure what will happen with python 2 though. Open the terminal in the folder where you have the scripts and then just type “python ./onlineimportfavorites.py”
Still the same error after downloading those yml files and opening it through Python Launcher.
Using the way you just mentioned, i get this error:
So MetaModuleIncludedModules
is the name that’s displayed on our website for what modules
are included in the plugin.
is the “slug” used by VCV Rack inside the inner workings of VCV Rack to identify a module. For example the “slug” is what’s used in the VCV Rack settings file to mark what your favorites are.
Usually these are the same thing but in the case of Airwindows, the VCV Rack version has exactly one module. When using this in VCV Rack you add that module to your patch and then select one of about 400 FX. On the MetaModule, we thought it would be more efficient and easier to have 400+ modules, one for each FX. So that’s there’s one Airwindows slug and 400 MetaModule modules.
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Your could try using metamodule.4ms.info for the site instead of metamodule.info? It’s the same server but different certificate