Melbourne Instruments Roto Control

I asked this in the ‘working MIDI’ thread but thought it should be a separate question.
Will Melbourne Instruments Roto Control work with the MM specifically, will the motorised knobs work? I’m thinking probably not because of the one way MIDI traffic on the MM but perhaps will work in the future :thinking:

exactly, you’d need bi-directional midi… something I requested a while back.

perhaps now midi out is in the dev branch, it opens up the possibility for this.


I was literally about to get a Roto Control because I thought this would work with the MetaModule. Really hoping it does - getting the knobs to spin into the correct position based on the last state would be insanely nice as UX.

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yeah, this would be cool…

just be aware if you are buying something like this, bi-directional midi support I can be a bit hit n’ miss in terms of support in products.

that said, the workaround with these kind of things is to use the preset manager on the device itself, and then to use it has the primary controller.
this is why having program change supports is also very useful, and fortunately is widely supported.

note: I dont have a Roto Control, but I have an Electra One which is kind of a similar idea (albeit done with screens/encoders) - so also works best with comprehensive midi implementations.