Marbles - Clock Range and Pitch Range is not passed to MM

I’ve been enjoying using MM to generate some nice sounds - thanks for all the work!

One note though - When I save a patch from VCV for the MM using Marbles (Audible Instruments) I find that the Clock Range and Pitch Range choice resets to x4 and +/- 5V setting in MM. When I tweak the patch in MM everything works as expected.

Could be related to the “defaults” issue mentioned here: Marbles : steps param reversed - #5 by TheTechnobear

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OK, I see what the issue is… thanks for the report

Hey guys,

First, thanks @danngreen & the 4ms crew for such an amazing game-changing module ! Had the chance to demo it with you Dan in Berlin at SB and it’s beyond expectations, kudos :raised_hands:t3:

This issue is still not fixed right ? Wanted to add that the T & X modes are also not saved and have to be changed from the MetaModule itself every time we open a patch created in VCV.

Hopefully we could get a fully working Marbles soon - such an important piece of the MetaModule ecosystem, a core building-block for generative (and Mutable) lovers like me :sparkles:

Lemme know how I can help !

Thanks again, cheers


I fixed it a while back but got side tracked and never merged it in! Merging now, it’ll be in the v1.6.2 release


Try this out:


Hey @danngreen,

Updated my MM to 1.6.2, tested and happy to confirm it’s now fixed :ok_hand:t3: Awesome !

Thanks again, cheers

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works for me as well :+1:

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