Mapping Range presets

Something that can be useful when patching things in VCV is the ability to quickly set the range of the mappings by selecting a preset. For example, under the range controls, there can be a preset for 50%-100%, or 0%-50%, maybe also an inverted preset, so 100%-0%, and so on, just so it’s easier to quickly change things without the need to work with the mouse too much.


i think this would save a lot of time!!

also would great if there was a way to type in a multi float number for either the min or max ranges. for example im working on creating looping delays with bog cvd while using the mix1 for the feedback amp stage. i can’t quite get the max range of a mapped metamodule knob to resolve to 0db on the mix1… i can get the mix1 to be either .01db or -.06… would love to be able to get 0db when turning the mm knob to 100%, so the loops can essentially last forever without building or dissolving over time.

Yeah, would love to see the ability to type here. You can type values for normal VCV parameters so it would be platform-native as well as useful.

Yeah, typing the number would be great! I’ve thought this myself, many times, so I agree whole-heartedly! I’ll make an issue for it