Load & autoplay patches via midi

would be useful to eventually be able to be menu-dive free during a live performance by loading+autoplaying via midi controller

the simplest idea i could devise, versus a whole new squirrely ui section for assigning/organizing midi per patch, just have users name their patches with a specific convention.

for example:
HelloWorldPatch-[pcm123ch1].yml - thus would be loaded+autoplayed via program change message 123 on channel 1

blahblah-[cc15ch5].yml = loaded+autoplayed via cc#15(>64val threshold cross) channel 5

BestPatchInTheWorld-[nt9ch7].yml = loaded/autoplayed via note#9 on chnl 7

mm would just parse whatever’s inside those brackets. and if easier for mm, have the users dump all their specifically midiload-named ones in a folder called ‘midiload’ (versus mm having to scan the entire card on boot?)

hope that idea makes sense!

also for the autoload thing, perhaps a global menu setting: autoplay=on/off?

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Ok, yeah something like this is possible. Maybe start it more simple at first like autoload/PC099-patchname.yml and limit it to PC events. At least that would let us get auto-loading running, and later we can add a more streamlined UI and attach to other events besides MIDI.

There is one technical thing, though. When changing patches the outputs fade down and then the new outputs fade up. So if it’s outputting audio, there will be a brief gap (which depends on how long it takes the modules in the patch to initialize themselves).

oh cool, really glad its actually a doable thing :pray:t2: and that makes sense on a gap between patches. having a vol ramp down/up between loading definitely seems way better than a rough digital pop

HI there! Would it be possible to use PG events along MSB-LSB values? MSB values would correspond to folders listed alphabetically that can contain up to 128 patches.