Finding that the scroll function isn’t that useful in knobset mode, since I am not editing knobs on this page typically. When I do want to scroll to an unused knob to map, I cannot map.
Would love a better way to swap sets live. Press and hold?
When I want a new value mapped, I cannot map it to a open place on an existing knob set. It creates a new knob set, which there is no way to undo
Not sure I follow what you mean by “scroll function”. You can’t create a new mapping from the Knob Set view, that’s more geared for performance (view-only).
Is that what you mean?
I don’t follow what you mean exactly. Are you talking about from the knob set page, or from the module view?
While there’s no Undo button, you can click on the mapping you don’t want and then click the Trash can icon to delete it.
I don’t know if we mean the same thing but my thought on the scrolling between knob-sets is that it is a bit slow to do. It’s only oneway and you need to scroll towards use. It would be cool if the active knob-set could be mapped to one knob to facilitate fast scrolling through the sets. Thanks.
The short-cut I linked to above is the way to go (hold down Back and turn the encoder). You can quickly scroll through the knobsets to find the one you want, even just by color of button (you don’t even need to look at the screen).
Yes! Is this a classic case of RTFM? Haha, wasn’t clear on first use, but this is exactly what im talking about. A quick way to scroll between knob sets.
Loving the module so far…
I was wondering if there was a way to edit an unused knob on the knob set window? Mapping to a blank knob, from the knob set screen? Or have the option to map a parameter to an existing knob set with a blank/unmapped knob.
Ok cool!
To make a mapping you have to go to the knob first. There’s not a way to do it from the knob set page.
Maybe we could do something like we do for cables where it goes to a special mode until you click on a knob? I was thinking from the module view when you create a mapping it would show you if the knob you wiggled was already mapped.
Is there any way to delete a knobset from the physical module panel?
Also, I think the knobset editing on the physical module could be a lot quicker:
currently the workflow is:
Click on a plugin parameter you want to map
→ select knobset or create new
→ wiggle knob, scroll from cancel to OK
Couldn’t we just select sth like “Map to knobset 1”. Then you could just select plugin parameters with the main encoder, wiggle a knob you want to map, select the next plugin parameter.
At the very least, eliminating scrolling from ‘Cancel’ to ‘OK’ should be eliminated, it’s not such a crucial decision.
Also, after mapping, you always have to press the ‘Back’ button to get to the place to select the next plugin parameter. Another unnecessary step.