Knob Set Auto Load


Not sure if this has been requested or addressed. I did a quick search and couldn’t find anything. It would be nice if when you skip thru knob sets they would auto load instead of having to instantiate them by clicking the “Use” button. Maybe a preference somewhere where you could disable the “auto load knob sets”?

You can have them auto load if you use the button + knob shortcut. Hold down the button and turn the knob. It’ll automatically jump to the next/prev knob set that way.

Wonderful thank you! Is there a way to enable this to always be the case when I turn the knob?

It happens by default when you turn the encoder knob, if you’re holding down the button.
Or do you mean have it change knob sets without clicking the Use button? The problem with that is that you risk changing a parameter if you’re just trying to view the knob sets without changing anything

I meant the without clicking the button. I understand the valid concern of accidentally changing the parameter but would be willing to accept the responsibility :laughing: