Knob feature request - module units, normal/fine/superfine adjustment

A couple of quick quality of life things.

  1. Units for adjustment in the module menu.For example, Plaits clone in VCV has Frequency knob in units of semitones. In MM , this is a percentage which is hard to figure out. One of the best things about VCV Rack is setting the tuning with the right click menu. The problem I guess it that different modules have different units and interpretations of units (eg C4).
  2. Adjustments seem to jump in units of percentage. This makes it hard to dial in frequency of an oscillator, for example.In the Iridium, pushing the encoder button switches between normal/fine/superfine adjustment (maybe 1%/.1%/.01% ?) steps. I can of course finesse the knob but if I can do without that knob it would be ace.


  1. Rack has a standard way of dealing with a unit suffix and base/multiplier/offset for parameters, so we could use this. We have an issue open for min/max angle of pots, so I’ll look into feasibility of adding these new ones too. It would work for custom units that are number-based like “260Hz”. We already support switches with text labels (like the Octave switch on Befaco PonyVCO which displays things like “C4” or “C6”).

  2. OK, yeah Fine tuning option would be nice. We’d need a way to change the resolution, maybe a drop-down under the “Adjust” button for the resolution, which defaults to +/-1%. Another idea is “acceleration” where the parameter changes values by an amount relative to how fast you spin the encoder.