Getting crashes in patch load screen

happens after playing through a series of patches. these crashes occur right when i click on the “load patch” button. other times, like in the video, mor rarely it happens right when i hit the select patch screen right after clicking the load patch button.

dev 2 12.5

im able to reproduce the crashes consistently, by running through a series of test patches (all patches in the test are exactly the same, except for the .wav files they are referencing) ive made. ive tried these tests on both the sdc, as well as usb drive (crashes occurring on both). my system is set to 48/128

the crashes can occur randomly, when accessing the load patch screen anywhere between patch 9 and patch 23. note: i don’t believe this has anything to do with me using samples, or the size of the samples. ram typically stays around 150mb use (even right before experiencing the crash). ive also observed this same crash many times in the past(last fall - pre dev firmware), load patch screen crashes occurring after playing through a bunch patches that were using just the built in modules.

i know this is a lot of patches im wanting to work with here, but im planning/wishing to use mm for several multi hour performances. im hoping we can get mm stable enough to be reliable for longer live shows that require a lot of patches. (also having an easy way to reboot mm from the front panel (without doing ‘surgery’ and removing the mm to hit that reset button) during a live show would be a wonderful just in case feature to have)

i can put together a .rar file containing all the yml files and samples (dummy white noise), let me know if you would like me to pm you a wetransfer link to it that for testing so you can recreate this crash.

Looks like this is crashing when listing files on the USB drive. The patches are on USB, right? Not SD Card? Edit: I see you already mentioned it happens on both.

About how many patches are on the disk in total?

We definitely will get it stable! The dev firmware is unstable and still has some nasty bugs in it. It won’t be officially released until we clear all that up.

Great, yeah wetransfer is fine for large files. Also, let me know the exact version of the plugins you have loaded (especially ones not in the download)

I started work on having it stop the current patch if there’s a memory error. Or if that fails, then reboot. Either one would be better than freezing.

im not near the studio but at this point i’m guessing between 50-60 total yml files.

i know the dev is not meant to be stable. as mentioned above ive witnessed this same load patch crash before last year with one of the earlier stable firms, while working on some of those bigger feedback and looper patches. back then same deal: just seemed to happen after i had loaded and played through a bunch of patches.

i will reinstall the regular firmware this week and start playing through all those older patches to see if i hit this load screen crash again.

also will pm you a wetrans tmrw. i believe im only using latest bog, bidoo, and fundamental ones in those patches.

and thank u again for the auto reboot! will surely come in handy as we all start using more and more plugins.

can confirm am also able to observe these crashes with regular 1.6.9 firmware/plugins. have some videos, will post tmrw

Ah… ok! Yes, send me everything so I can reproduce this.

ok wetrans links/videos pm’d

Thanks, diving into it now…