I’ve created a fully functioning Benjolin by pairing the Venom Benjolin Oscillator with the Cloned Instruments VC Filter (Mutable Instruments Ripples). It has pretty much all the functionality of the After Later Audio Benjolin V2, and it is a lot of fun to play with. It works great as a self contained instrument with lots of options for feedback patching, or as a component of a larger system.
The only thing it is missing is a high pass filter output, and there are not quite enough outputs on the panel, so one available output had to be dropped. I opted to drop the PWM direct output, as it already appears indirectly via the filter outputs.
I’ve got almost all the controls mapped to the Main knob set, with just two relegated to an Aux knob set.
Ideally the Benjolin Oscillator should be set to 4x oversampling. The first few times I ran the patch I had to set the MM sample rate to 24kHz. I didn’t change anything, but all of a sudden I am now able to run MM at 48kHz no problem (and it certainly sounds better for it). I’m not sure what is going on here.
Benjolin.vcv (2.5 KB)
Benjolin.yml (8.9 KB)
Main Knob Set:
A = Osc 1 frequency
B = Osc 2 frequency
C = Osc 1 Rungler amount
D = Osc 2 Rungler amount
E = Osc 1 CV amount
F = Osc 2 CV amount
u = VCF Cutoff
v = VCF Resonance
w = VCF input Mix (External CCW, PWM CW)
x = Pattern (8 steps CCW, chaos [127 steps] noon, 16 steps CW)
y = VCF Rungler amount
z = VCF CV amount
Aux Knob Set:
u = Maximum Chaos switch
v = Double Clock switch
1 = Osc 1 CV (normalled to Tri 2)
2 = Osc 2 CV (normalled to Tri 1)
3 = Chaos trigger
4 = Double Clock trigger
5 = External signal
6 = VCF CV
Gate 1 = Clock (normalled to Pulse 2)
1 = Pulse 1
2 = Pulse 2
3 = Rungler
4 = Band Pass 2 pole
5 = Tri 1
6 = Tri 2
7 = XOR
8 = Low Pass 2 pole