Frozen Wasteland -> Seeds of Change

Would be so wonderful to have the opportunity to use seeds to freeze randomisation. The module “Seeds of change” from Frozen Wasteland is capable of this. Hope they will be available in the future.

Not sure what type of “random” output you are looking for, but Venom Rhythm Explorer generates random trigger patterns that are reproduceable via re-usable seed values.


Ooh, many thanks! That sound wonderful, and a part of the thing I’m looking for. I will explore this. It also would be nice to have the same thing with quantized CV output, for example in a 8/16 step sequencer, with randomized steps, that you can re-usable seeds for reproducing the order of CV values.

Yes. Your inquiry got me thinking about that, and I have a new module partially designed in my head. No firm plan for release, but it will have a scaleable CV output plus an independent gate output with adjustable probability.

For VCV I’m still designing polyphony options, and considering expander possibilities, neither of which are currently possible with MM. But hopefully in the near future they will be possible in MM.


Looking forward. If you need a beta tester, just let me know. Cheers