Firmware v1.4.2

Announcing firmware v1.4.2

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New Features:


  • Reload from disk a patch that’s playing and has been changed on a computer by @danngreen in #406 and commit
  • Several modules now keep their pitch/timbre/tone when sample rate changes. Also they better match the sound on VCV Rack. Many of these are Cloned/Audible/Mutable Instruments:
    • Algorithm VCO II (Plaits)
    • Resonator (Rings)
    • Granulation (Clouds)
    • Modeler (Elements)
    • Befaco SpringReverb

Bug Fixes:

  • Fix MIDI Transport and retrig signals not unmapping commit
  • Set VCV module sample rate properly by @danngreen in #404
    • This bumps the API version to 1.4
    • Several modules having odd/wrong behavior has been fixed with this (Plateau, PhasorGen,…)
  • Fix Noise Plethora changing program selection by @danngreen in #407
  • Fix cables not drawn past 6 rows of modules by @danngreen in #410

Hi Dan,

Thanks for the update. Appreciate your efforts coming out with this update so fast.

I did a few tests this morning.

Marbles: When I transfer from VCV (computer) to MM the clock rate (received from external clock) is still extremely fast. If I patch the module only within MM the clock is still extremely fast when receiving external clock.

Muxslicer: the same as above.

Receiving reset in both cases now works great.

I found the issue for the Marbles switch positions not being transferred properly when going from VCV to MM. See here: Marbles - Clock Range and Pitch Range is not passed to MM - #2 by danngreen

But I don’t know what you mean about Muxslicer… I tried a patch feeding in an external clock and it ran at the same tempo on MM and on VCV. Can you be more specific or provide a VCV patch file so I can test it?

I went back to VCV Rack (Computer), and I can see that I always used the CLK/N output (receiving clock from Daw), that are set to quarter. And thinking back I remember I always got a insane fast clock form the normal CLK output, that’s why I’ve been using the CLK/N output in VCV Rack. So I guess that issue is within my setup somehow. Sorry for the hassle.

When I use the CLK/N output to sync/start Marbles and Muxslicer in VCV Rack (computer) all works as expected. When I transfer a patch to MM, and receives external clock from Ableton/Yarns I get this crazy fast clock.