Firmware update : did not update patch?

I was playing with “Springs Into Cave” and needed to reduce it output level a bit.
so, added an StMix to the output stage.
I then mapped stmix gain1-4 to A-D knobs.
saved the patch over the old one (internal)

all good, until I found out B-D were already mapped,

so decided, I want to go back to original … and redo.

first, I tried downloading the yml from GitHub, put on usb stick
and hoped I could then save or duplicate that back over

no dice, save goes back to original location.
duplicate, doesnt allow overwriting :frowning:

SO… I though no worries, I’ll rewrite the firmware
( I assume factory patches are in assets.uimg)
did the firmware update, no problem…display showed it updating main and assets.

imagine my surprise, when the Springs into Cave is still my modified version !


(its not a big. deal, I can fix patch easy enough… but feels like its a bug?!)

Actually assets.uimg is the graphical images for the built-in modules (faceplate and component PNG files). Take a look at the assets/ dir in the firmware repo, it’s just a tarball of that (with a uimg header so the loader knows where to load it).

A copy of the factory patches are in the main firmware. These are copied to the internal drive the first time we boot up at the factory – and also if you do “Factory Reset” from the System Menu.

So, you could do “Factory Reset”, but that will reset all the patches on the Internal drive (and also reset your settings). But you’re supposed to be able to reset one file by doing what you did… but…

Ok I see the bug. You’re supposed to be able to duplicate/save over an existing file, unless the file is open AND modified. But the bug is that it’s not checking the modified flag.
I’ll open an issue for this bug.

But, you can actually do what you first tried to do, just don’t open the old version that you want to replace. So:

  • Power on
  • Open the file on the USB drive or SD Card (not on the internal drive)
  • Click “Duplicate” and save it on the Internal Drive
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cool, thanks.

I wasn’t sure what factory reset covered so was reluctant to press it :slight_smile: