Easy way to install all MM modules in VCV Rack?

I just grabbed the great script from this post to put all MM modules in my favorites in VCV Rack. Now I’m wondering if there’s anything similar to automate installing all of the available plugins. When I first did that, it probably took me an hour to go through every plugin on the MM plugins page and add it to my VCV library. The thought of doing this occasionally to get new modules is kind of daunting.

Is there an easy way to do this currently? If not, I’m thinking of writing a Tampermonkey script to do it for me.

Well, I went ahead and automated this with selenium. If there’s interest, I can share it, but I want to make sure that’s not breaking an EULA or something (any info on this would be appreciated).

Also @danngreen, these links are broken on the plugins page (correct URLs linked here):

Go to the plugins page in the menu and click on download by brand name and it automatically downloads all the plugins by that brand name. Takes a few minutes to download them all. MetaModule | Plugins

It’s all OK on my end, I think you’re saying your script scrubbed the metamodule plugin webpage for links to the VCV Rack Library page? I can’t speak for the VCV Rack Library site of course.

Thanks, I’ll update those.

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I think I must be missing something. I can download the plugins for MM there, but not the VCV plugins. Similarly, I know that, in my VCV Rack library, I can subscribe to a brand, but there seem to be plenty of cases where not all of a brand’s modules are available on MM.

Thanks! Yes, I scrape the MM plugin page for the VCV Rack Library links. Then I load each module page in VCV Rack Library and add the module (if it isn’t already). There’s nothing specific that I can find on the site to say that I can or can’t do this. I’ll try to ask them if it’s okay.

Ah, sorry read it as you could not install all of the Meta Module plugins in Meta Module. Yeah, I don’t know of a way to find and automatically install all of the modules from VCV rack without telling the publishers and VCV rack to install a Meta Module Tag, which would be AWESOME! However, we’re kinda in a weird transitionary period with the 2.0 firmware coming out soon and new plugins for it.

Will the 2.0 MM version allow for devs to compile VCV Rack 2.0+ plugins to work in VCV rack?