DrStrangeTones1 - weird ambient texture generator

this patch kind of just runs on it own, but can also be interacted with or performed as well

DrStrangeTones1.yml (15.5 KB)
DrStrangeTones1.vcv (4.1 KB)

A-click1 filter
B-click2 filter
C-click 1 rate
D-click 2 rate
E-macro tone select
F-llfo rate
u-click1 Q
v-click 2 res (+50% for tones)
x-macro osc filter
y-macro osc pitch

video/usage example:

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do you happen to have the vcv file for this one? Looks like you uploaded the yml twice. Thanks!

woops, added in the .vcv. although it might not be exactly like the yml (travelling and working off a backup drive)

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