cvFunkStrings3 patch

Here are a set of patches that explore the possibilities of the cvFunk Step Wave, Morta and Strings modules. It’s sort of generative - with something going on between the Step Wave and Morta which I haven’t fully understood. This patch is ambient and cyclic in nature - there are definite sweet spots and not so sweet dissonant spots. Three pages of knobs to tweak to taste - gradual is best as the patch can take a short while to adapt. I’ve attached the full vcv patch and a few yml variants - all based on the same setup but knobs in different positions, to give a flavour of what’s possible.

What I’d love would be a way to switch from preset to preset instantly at the touch of a button on the 4ms. I realise it’s pretty snappy to do this via the interface, but would be even better if it could be automated either via cv or midi cc at some stage.

Max kudos to Dan and Cody (cvFunk) for making/enabling these wonderful devices. The 4ms Meta’s knobs allow for complex simultaneous macro adjustments of many parameters - a real innovation in this space, I think.

Using firmware 1.6.1 and latest plugins. The cvFunk plugins needs to be manually added post power up. The Meta needs to run at 32K/128ms. 48K is too heavy. Maybe swapping out the BogAudio FM oscillators might help but the FM envelope shapes are an intrinsic part of the patch.

cvFunkStrings3c.yml (16.3 KB)
cvFunkStrings3d.yml (16.8 KB)
cvFunkStrings3e.yml (16.8 KB)
cvFunkStrings3f.yml (16.8 KB)
cvFunkStrings3f.vcv (3.5 KB)

I suppose I’m thinking of the variations window in Ableton.

which allow patch snapshots to be captured and then restored in a performative context. As it is, it’s difficult keeping track of complex 4ms patches, owing to the relatively small display, multiple control methods and 8 pages of knob screens.

there was a feature request in the beginning to have midi program change messages to quickly switch+play from one patch to another, not exactly the idea you proposed but maybe similar in nature