Count modula layouts issues


I noticed that all the square buttons in the count modula plugin are not green when state is active in MM. It is especially anoying on the sequencer modules since there is no other way to visually see if a step is active or not.

I also notice a strange behaviour on the Euclidean sequencer. When changing the number of steps, the leds in the bottom of the matrix are getting blue and seem to become active. I couldn’t reproduce this in vcv. I really think this is not a normal behaviour.


Hi! Is this with all Count modula modules or a specific one?

Thanks for your reply.
I haven’t tried them all.
I made a patch with four modules of this collection which all have this same missing feature: 8 step sequencer, mute, 16 step sequencer and euclidean sequencer. So I guess that’s probably the case with the others which have those square buttons.
I’ll try to check with more of these modules. I saw that some of them have these square buttons that can also light with red colour. I’ll keep in touch.

Thanks, I’ll pass the info along to Dan.

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