Copy / Paste Knob Sets?


I think it would be great to be able to copy / pasted knob sets of the metamodule both in vcv and the metamodule hardware.


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+1 for this please!

Would be really useful.

Yes yes yes

Copy and paste the names too that you edited!

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+1 would very useful

Going through old issues… Can anyone elaborate more on this?
Is this request to be able to duplicate a knobset within a patch (all knob mappings, ranges, and alias names)?
So would the use case be that you want two knob sets that are almost the same but a little different, so you would duplicate it (aka copy/paste) and then make some changes in the copy?

Or are we talking about copying a single mapping (mapped knob, range, alias name) between knob sets?

Hi Dan!

What I meant is inside the patch. So if you have 2 modules that are the same, copy the assigned layout from one module to the other.
This way functions are assigned with the same layout on each of them, and no need to go back and forth to copy the layout form one another.
Then you could go into the assignment of the second and choose another cc or cv to control those assignments.

OK, I see now, thanks. Copying the knob set from one module to another (presumably just copying the whole module including its mappings to a new knobset)

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I would like to be able to move the knobsets around in a particular preset.
Example: I get knobset one working great, I create knobset 2 but decide it should be knobset one. Slide them around.
So which knobset loads the one selected at save?