Cloud in Pitch Shifter mode overloads the CPU only when Size is at max

Not sure if this is indicative of some sort of really expensive operation in the Clouds code itself?

To reproduce - try 64 or 128 samples, use the Pitch Shifter mode in Clouds, and then turn Size all the way clockwise. Then try adjusting pitch, often times the patch will crash.

Yes, Clouds is doing some heavy computations when you’re in that mode. Setting a block size of 256 smooths out the spikes. The VCV version of Clouds runs various tasks at a higher rate than the hardware version, so that adds some CPU overhead. Plus, the hardware version runs at 32kHz normally, so on the VCV and MM versions, it resamples up or down from the native rate. So we get a lot of extra overhead, and a larger block size helps. I would like to re-do some of the Mutuable clones to make them closer to the hardware implementation rather than the VCV versions, that will help a lot.


If you undertake a re-doing some of the Mutable clones in the future, a Plaits update to the 1.2 firmware that adds eight additional synthesis models would be a fantastic upgrade. Even better if you could implement the ability to import DX7 sysex files into the FM models.

For reference, Sanguine Mutants version of Plaits implements the latest firmware including the DX7. And their other Mutable clones have various alternate firmware. I don’t know if the author is porting to MM.

Re: Sanguine Mutants plugins

These look to be open source, so are we beholden to the author doing the porting? I’m still learning my way around MetaModule and what’s allowed.

The author is a very active developer for VCV Rack. As with any project, not just MM, it would be common courtesy to talk to the author first. We don’t know if they have started the process in a private build. Or they may have advice for someone else to do it. Plus, if there are changes required there could be cooperation to implement that the best way for Rack and MM.

Currently they are re-designing some of the module panels for Rack.

Got it, thanks for the info!