"Catch" behavior for physical knobs

So… this ended up being way more complex than I realized at first due to multiple knobsets, modules being able to spontaneously change their own parameters, “snapEnabled” params, knob=>button mappings, allowing incomplete min/max ranges for knobs… but in the end I think we have a workable system. The v2.0.0-dev branch has this feature implemented with 3 “catchup” modes to choose from:

  • Track on Motion: the current behavior
  • Track on Equal: similar to the diagram above. The virtual knob keeps its value until the physical knob is moved to match it
  • Linear Fade: Moving the physical knob down will always move the virtual knob down, and moving it up will always move the virtual knob up. However, the amount of motion is scaled up or down to make up for the difference in positions of the physical and virtual knobs. Turning all the way to 0 or 100% exits this catchup mode and starts tracking 1:1.

v2.0.0-dev-6 is in this thread, if you’re willing to try out an experimental (unstable) firmware branch. Please read the whole first post if you want to test out v2.x. (Lots of important information in there, including about how you need to use v2.0 plugins).