"Catch" behavior for physical knobs

The current behavior for the physical knobs is that when you move one the current setting in the knob set will just jump to whatever value the knob is now at. That results in some very unwelcome results, particularly when the previous position for the last setting is all the way to right and the new setting has a significant impact on the sound when maxed… think feedback on a delay. It would be MUCH better (for me anyway) if the knob behavior was to only start changing the value once the knob was set to the current value. I think this is called a “catch” behavior. Maybe you can create an option in Prefs to pick the behavior you want. I see a lot of synth manufacturers offer this.


It’s a good idea, has been suggested here: Various quality-of-life issues and is under way (or consideration) here: User preference for "Pickup" knob mode · Issue #358 · 4ms/metamodule · GitHub

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Totally agree.
But is it possible with this kind of knobs? Their course are not endless…

pickup mode does not fix the issue, rather its a means to address the issue.
(of panel state differing from parameter value) - its used by many digital hardware synths.

its far from perfect, esp on multi timbral or multi function synths/modules.
where I much prefer encoders.
( I guess in ideal world… use motorised pots / sliders :))

the important part here is the UI.
e.g. on the Virus TI, when you touch a locked control, it shows you which way to turn pot to unlock - and its a large display.
the reason is…its annoying to have to look at the display for a hardware knob, so you want to do the pickup as quickly/effortlessly as possible.

also, frankly, its going to mean I don’t use knob sets much on the MM.
this means, the ‘issue’ is limited to when you initially load a patch.

(whereas knob sets mean every time you switch sets, you’ll be back to unlock a touched parameter)

Something like that?


++1! oh i REALLY like your concept of being able to see right in the ui, when a patch is loaded, exactly where the patch’s initial knob states are but then also in relation those, where the current physical knob positions sit. that way one can know immediately and without any hesitation whether to turn the knob clockwise or counter to meet up with the initial state in the patch. nice.

ive been working on a live set which requires switching between dozens of patches throughout in order to hopefully get an interesting movement of sounds overall. honestly its been a bit of a nerve rattling nightmare when loading up a new patch… with the hopes of getting all the knobs where they need to be without nasty jumps, heinous glitches or loud unwanted noise etc. i found making a ‘dummy’ knob page helps a little but is still a lot of time wasting maintenance during a live set, when first loading up a patch, with lots of room still for error.

so i really really look forward to even the most basic form up knob pickup being added to mm. but hopefully can make our lives much easier with some kind of visual feedback in the ui like you’ve mocked up


So… this ended up being way more complex than I realized at first due to multiple knobsets, modules being able to spontaneously change their own parameters, “snapEnabled” params, knob=>button mappings, allowing incomplete min/max ranges for knobs… but in the end I think we have a workable system. The v2.0.0-dev branch has this feature implemented with 3 “catchup” modes to choose from:

  • Track on Motion: the current behavior
  • Track on Equal: similar to the diagram above. The virtual knob keeps its value until the physical knob is moved to match it
  • Linear Fade: Moving the physical knob down will always move the virtual knob down, and moving it up will always move the virtual knob up. However, the amount of motion is scaled up or down to make up for the difference in positions of the physical and virtual knobs. Turning all the way to 0 or 100% exits this catchup mode and starts tracking 1:1.

v2.0.0-dev-6 is in this thread, if you’re willing to try out an experimental (unstable) firmware branch. Please read the whole first post if you want to test out v2.x. (Lots of important information in there, including about how you need to use v2.0 plugins).


Hi Dan, testing this V2 release now and the alt behaviour options for knobs are working like a charm so far, thanx for putting the work in on this request it’s a very much appreciated feature.