Can't build firmware on Mac OSX, arm gcc 12.3

As the title states - trying to make some small edits to the firmware to try and fix the knob bug in Bug with discrete knobs/controls - I can't reach the highest discrete state with the mapped knob, but I can when manually adjusting the encoder - #2 by etcetc

But getting the following errors:

Sorry I missed this message a few days ago. You might need to update submodules – NumTimingEvents is defined in the patch-serial submodule (and I recently added it)

In general, since v2.0-dev is bleeding-edge, it’s a little safer to checkout the latest tagged release rather than the latest v2.0-dev branch commit. For instance

git checkout firmware-v2.0.0-dev-12.2

will use the latest v2.0-dev release. You can check the Actions tab of github to verify what the latest tag that is indeed building (Workflow runs · 4ms/metamodule · GitHub)