Bug with knob pickup?

I have a patch where knob pickup is set to the scaling mode.

One setting in one knobset doesn’t seem to honor the scaling mode, but rather jumps to another position when switching between knobsets and trying to tweak this control.

Anyone run into a similar problem? I can try and include a patch file.

Is it possible this is to do with the knob range settings? It’s possible to get into some messy situations with pickup mode and knob range settings, as I have discovered to my chagrin.

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Hmm, good point. Looking at it, I don’t think it’s directly related to that. I do have one control on one knob limited to a specific range, but this happens on other knobs, as well.

Yes, please do send a patch file. Also, does the problem always happen right away, or do you need to move the knobs a certain way to make it happen? Or does it just happen occasionally, for seemingly no reason?

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Also, I moved this to the Dev Firmware category (I just created it, after your initial post)

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Sorry for the delay, but here it is @danngreen

There are 3 knobsets. Moving the X knob to min/max on knobset 1/3, then switching over to knobset 3/1, and adjusting the X knob will make a value jump. Firmware 2.0.0-dev11.0, Linear Fade catchup mode as default.
jaw2.yml (8.0 KB)

Similar, but different, weird issue with pickup here. In the attached patch knob u will pick up the value, and the mapped value in the patch will change, but the graphic in the knob set is not updated and stays “stuck” at 0.
Infernal2.yml (11.6 KB)

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Thanks. I haven’t had a chance to play with it yet, but it’s not forgotten.

Ok. Will look at this too