Alternate functions in modules

Hi to all new user here to MM but not knew to Eurorack and Vcv.
I noticed that in some modules alternate functions/parameters are available. During my journey only 2 modules I’ve seen up until now, Plaits and ENsOsc, that have the alternate functions. I am sure there are others too.
I tried to access on Mi Frames the poly lfo function available in VCV but it is not available. ALso simple things in unity mixers from Fundamental or BogAudio like averaging the signals to be mixed or selection of output clipping method are not available in MM.
Are these ommisions a matter of an ongoing process of updating the plugins or they are simply not present?
It is very annoying to use VCV in order to change the mode of Frames for example or the usage of a unity mixer for audio or cv signals.
I hope we will see these features some time.
please let me know if I am missing something here.

All the plugins are being studied at the moment with plans for updates to match functionality, but it would be helpful if you post specific details in the Bug Reports section.

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Will do, thx for the reply.