Airwindows. clipping issues

Is anyone else having problems with Air Windows causing a lot of clipping in patches?

I am trying to track down if it is a problem with the gain being too high and it is distorting the output (it doesn’t seem to be) or if there is a general issue.

I am getting very noticeable and unusable digital clipping pops running at 48K- even when I am not pushing the feedback or CPU too hard- I am getting this with GlitchShifter and BitGlitter… and Don’t get that when using the VCV versions, or other modules in Metamodule

i have notice clipping when sending louder signals in the galactic reverb, doesn’t occur in vcv on the laptop. so i just make sure to keep the gain down pre airwindows, or use the bog limiter before them if need be

How loud are your levels/ crazy your sustain and drive settings when they feedback?

I would say there are 2 levels I see on these plugins-

“going out of control” which- is easy to over cook them…

I am talking about the more normal “I think it is dialed in” but- it is hard to tell- if it is clipping- where it is.

I may try to more intentionally attenuate the input before the plugin, and not rely on the plugin’s internal attenuation.

I have had issues with setups like this … The Feedbck knob is a instant no go for me on Glitchshifter.

Some modules in VCV are testing only, and not sent to MM. the m

Plateau is set for… it’s most “can accept high loads” not that MM can feed it those loads compared to VCV…

I think I heard on a video that if the output exceeds 10V, you will get distortion. Check the voltage output in VCV Rack.

sorry i have not done specific tests to determine what levels going into the airwindows ones caused the clipping i heard… p sure its closish to the +10 mark

i can definitely vouch i’ve experienced this.

really wish we had a module akin to the wonderful free vst “loudmax” limiter as that would be insanely useful/clean throughout vcv. edit: the bidoo brand “bar” compressor came close in tests i did some time ago, but of course that’s not avail for mm. we have the bog clpr/lmtr ones for mm, but they sound p awful/cheap digital clipping imho

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I can take a crack at porting over mschack. Did you have any others that you liked (that are open source)

most excellent of you to offer!

now that file loading is implemented in 2.0dev, i believe that the prototype module would be super useful. it lets you run pure data patches, jsfx files, vult script and a few other code files. would allow users build and test their own module ideas. pretty powerful stuff i think:

otherwise, voxglitch and or nysthi would be pretty amazing sets to have on mm. cant speak for nythsi in terms of open source, but i spoke some time ago with the creator of voxglitch via github. he was fully open to the idea of his modules all being ported but he didn’t have time to do it:

jw and impromptu are other really useful brands although i believe dan mentioned they were on his todo list already

Here you are - it’s built for v2.0.0-dev12.2, the latest dev firmware. I haven’t tested it all yet as it’s getting late but hopefully at least you can use the compressor, and I ported a few more from mschack that made sense on the metamodule.

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excellent ty!! i look forward to trying it out soon

edit: shoot woops ok i mispoke above. mshack compressor is actually not the best one i’ve used in vcv. i should have said bidoo’s compressor “bar” module is the one that seems to maintain the cleanest signal when really pushing high levels into it. oh well. but yet still mshack has a lot of great modules: “drones”, “synth drums”, “wave morph”, “aliens” plus some excellent delays and sequencers.

which, btw, can confirm that drones and alien are working great so far!! ty @etcetc

Ok I’ll put that up next. I was also having some weird distortion with this compressor but replicated it in VCV Rack, so I guess that’s just how it is.

bidoo also has some really great effects, beyond bar. in the past ive gotten a lot of sound design mileage out of zinc vocoder, spore+htcip pitch shifters, dfuze+rei reverbs, and perco+limbo filters. there are also a few interesting sequencers in the bunch (i haven’t explored enough).