Is anyone else having problems with Air Windows causing a lot of clipping in patches?
I am trying to track down if it is a problem with the gain being too high and it is distorting the output (it doesn’t seem to be) or if there is a general issue.
I am getting very noticeable and unusable digital clipping pops running at 48K- even when I am not pushing the feedback or CPU too hard- I am getting this with GlitchShifter and BitGlitter… and Don’t get that when using the VCV versions, or other modules in Metamodule
i have notice clipping when sending louder signals in the galactic reverb, doesn’t occur in vcv on the laptop. so i just make sure to keep the gain down pre airwindows, or use the bog limiter before them if need be
How loud are your levels/ crazy your sustain and drive settings when they feedback?
I would say there are 2 levels I see on these plugins-
“going out of control” which- is easy to over cook them…
I am talking about the more normal “I think it is dialed in” but- it is hard to tell- if it is clipping- where it is.
I may try to more intentionally attenuate the input before the plugin, and not rely on the plugin’s internal attenuation.
I have had issues with setups like this … The Feedbck knob is a instant no go for me on Glitchshifter.
Some modules in VCV are testing only, and not sent to MM. the m
Plateau is set for… it’s most “can accept high loads” not that MM can feed it those loads compared to VCV…
I think I heard on a video that if the output exceeds 10V, you will get distortion. Check the voltage output in VCV Rack.
sorry i have not done specific tests to determine what levels going into the airwindows ones caused the clipping i heard… p sure its closish to the +10 mark
i can definitely vouch i’ve experienced this.
really wish we had a module akin to the wonderful free vst “loudmax” limiter as that would be insanely useful/clean throughout vcv. the mschack compressor came close in tests i did some time ago, but of course that’s not avail for mm. we have the bog clpr/lmtr ones for mm, but they sound p awful/cheap digital clipping imho
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