A general observation

When VCV Rack first came out, I thought it was the bees’ knees, particularly because of the clean, unified appearance. Then it became open source, new modules proliferated (and none looked the same), and patches got ever bigger - and I lost interest. So, now we have Metamodule, which so far has a limited module set and major limitations on patch size. And I actually rather like this, as it obliges me to search for the right modules to manage MM’s limitations whilst still having fun. What do other people think?


:100:. Constraints breed creativity, I have a similar experience with hardware Vs software music making in general.

We better not port too many modules though :thinking::sweat_smile:

For VCV you can always temporarily unsubscribe from all but fundamental (or maybe a small number of brands).

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yeah, the choice paradox put me off vcv for awhile. esp. in early vcv where you had to subscribe to a developer’s entire suite of plugins, so could easily end up with a ridiculous number.

so, I then created my own artificial constraints, e.g. focusing on only hardware emulations , and only later added those that filled missing functionality (e.g. mind meld mixer).

but… ofc, the issue with a limited set is… which?
we will all have different ideas about which modules we need, depending on what we want to achieve.

so whilst, when you get started, its great to have some limitations…
as you progress, you tend to find the ‘set’ that suit you, which could (will?) be completely different from someone else.

also, Id say, this is a lot of the fun about hardware eurorack too… choice, and finding some modules which are a bit ‘different’

as for limitation on patch size…it is what it is, use what you got :slight_smile:
(I think its a stretch to say ‘I like managing limitations’… its just reality.)

I’ve just bought the Meta and had a similar feeling with VCV, i’ve now reduced my lib modules to mainly those available in Meta and had lots of fun so far!

The thing I would love is a specific and unified UI for Meta!

Like the Grid in Bitwig: all components have the same look and feel. I think it could be way more easier to use directly the modules inside Meta. I’ve read here and there that the fact we have to use VCV to easily create patches is a big downside for some users. Not sure if it’s doable or authorized by the differents makers because their UI will not be visible.
If there’s already a thread about this subject I’ll be pleased to help

From a ‘using the Meta in a physical rack context’, I find that in practice, the only UI experience that I generally have is the Knob page screens and the physical Meta knobs themselves - the actual distinct module interfaces are effectively hidden as I rarely interact with them on the physical device. YMMV