4ms brand plugins missing from VCV Rack Library?

Hopefully the plugins are in the process of being updated! At the moment the following link doesn’t work:


Need to wait for the VCV team to update the library. Meanwhile they can be manually installed using a vcvplugin file from the Download section of this site


So, Dan has been texting me about the MetaModule hub in VCV Rack and for the life of me I couldn’t find it. Finally found it and installed it manually. It’s not easy because the instructions are scattered along many web pages.

The instructions to manually install the plugins are here:

Go to section “Using Metamodule with Rack”. Its a few pages down.

I went all over the place to get the same info.
Here are the instructions and page links if you want to verify my notes.


The 4ms VCV plugins are NOT currently in the VCV Rack library so you cannot find them in app or on the VCV Rack library page yet ((https://library.vcvrack.com/)

Instructions to install the plugins manually are not yet available on the 4ms Metamodule site (MetaModule | Downloads).

However links to the plugins are available on this page for each OS. You may download them here or from the GitHub site (GitHub - 4ms/4ms-vcv: 4ms modules for VCV Rack platform; RELEASES: Releases · 4ms/4ms-vcv · GitHub)

Once you have the plugins, install them to the correct directory on your computer.

MacOS: ~/Library/Application Support/Rack2/
Windows: C:\Users<username>\AppData\Local\Rack2
Linux: ~/.local/share/Rack2/
(Where is the “Rack user folder”? Frequently Asked Questions - VCV Rack Manual)

Restart VCV Rack and the plugin will be visible in the library.

(Note: In windows, I tried to create a subfolder called 4ms but VCV Rack did not see the Metamodule hub plugin. I moved it to the parent folder C:\Users<username>\AppData\Local\Rack2\ and it saw the newly added plugin.)

Hope this helps.

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Thanks Vern. I just re-did the instructions and download page to try to make it more clear and have all the info in one single place. Would mind taking a peek at it and let me know if it makes more sense now?

I made the link from the Download page that goes to these instructions more obvious, too (the link was always there, but maybe it was easy to miss)

Let me know if that helps, or if you think it still could be improved.

I did everything as described to load the modules manually, alas they do not show up. Running VCV Rack Free 2.5.2 on Linux. A “4msCompany” folder is created in the “plugins” folder after restart, but no 4ms modules show up when I right click, other modules loaded through the library are there.
Are this topics discussed somewhere else, or is this the right place to ask?

Try to copy the file 4msCompany-2.0.0-win-x64 (that’s Windows for me - find Linux equivalent for you) directly into the folder you opened up through VCV Rack as well, i.e. at root folder level. Maybe?

I tried and copied the file into several locations, but it didn’t solve it.

I noticed that the 4ms modules were not listed in the “moduleWhitelist” section of the settins.json file. I tried to add the module “slugs” manually, but after restart they where all deleted again, only the 4ms section (created by me) remained.

I found this error message in the log.txt file:

[0.075 info src/plugin.cpp:133 loadPlugin] Loading plugin from /home/bael-e1/.local/share/Rack2/plugins-lin-x64/4msCompany
[0.077 warn src/plugin.cpp:199 loadPlugin] Could not load plugin /home/bael-e1/.local/share/Rack2/plugins-lin-x64/4msCompany: Failed to load library /home/bael-e1/.local/share/Rack2/plugins-lin-x64/4msCompany/plugin.so: /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libstdc++.so.6: version `GLIBCXX_3.4.31’ not found (required by /home/bael-e1/.local/share/Rack2/plugins-lin-x64/4msCompany/plugin.so)

I solved it !

using instructions to install GLIBCXX_3.4.31 here: c++ - "`GLIBCXX_3.4.32' not found" error at runtime. GCC 13.2.0 - Stack Overflow

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ubuntu-toolchain-r/test
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install --only-upgrade libstdc++6

this installs GLIBCXX_3.4.31 (and later versions) on my Ubuntu 22.04
I then deleted the 4msCompany folder and reinstalled it and then it worked.