VCV Rack patch from SD Card not being seen in MetaModule

The .vcv patch file is on the sd card. Windows File explorer:

MetaModule Load Patch not seeing vcv patch. Here’s the MetaModule Load Patch screen. CARD shows no vcv patch. Same SD Card.

Untitled Patch 43 is a patch I saved on the metamodule containing one vcv module. It is not the patch from VCV Rack.

Am I missing a step?

Are you using the MetaModule plugin to save the patch or are you just saving the patch via VCV Rack? I dont think the file extensions are the same?

Ok. That’s it. I didn’t realize that saving it was possible through the program.
I’m not able to type directly in module’s text box. I have to write the file name in a text editor, copy it then paste into the text box. I’m on Windows. Are you able to type directly into the text box?

I’m at work now, but at/about 23 minutes into this video it shows him interacting with the MetaModule in VCV Rack.

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Thank you for the link. I’m stumbling my way through it but it is a good workflow and interface. The really useful info is sort of spread all over the place.

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All the useful info is here on this site in the Docs section.

See section 5 here for how to save a patch in VCV.

Might want to note that the save file creates one file extension vs vcv rack saves as a different file extension (if that’s the case, as I cant test right now)

There might be some confusion as to what file goes where in case they save the VCV Rack file with the same name as the MetaModule Patch?

Good point. The MetaModule loads .yml files (which is what the Save button creates), and VCV patches are .vcv files.

I’ll put this in the docs.

Update: Docs are updated! See Step 5 in Using the MetaModule with VCV Rack - MetaModule Manual


Everything is working and I’m having a great time with it. Just beautiful engineering. It’s fun to use.

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