While I wait for my Meta to show up, I made a patch around the Count Modula Super Arpeggitator. Will multiple cables stacked on a single I/O work inside a patch, or do the all need to be multed? In this screengrab, I’ve multed a gate to drive various modules but for the reset signal, I’ve stacked the 2nd gate input and ran that to various resets. Will this work?
Many thanks in advance!
The Meta Module doesn’t (yet) handle polyphonic internal cables in the way that VCV Rack does. Your mult will be getting multiple copies of the first channel, not multiple different channels.
Sorry, I just realized I put the wrong title on this thread, which started as a question about polyphonic cables but ended as a question on if the Meta Module supports stacked cables or if you have to run them through a mult.
I corrected the thread title now!
Multiple outputs from a jack are fine, but it’s one input per jack.
Ive had issues with using a physical jack output (cable) and virtual cable (to another module) from the same output.
Im not sure if this is an intended ‘functional’ limitation (so a bug in UI allowing it) or just a bug in implementation ( @danngreen )
Interesting. Voltage drops can occur with stacked cables in the physical world, so I wonder how that’s modelled in the virtual world. I can’t say I’ve noticed any issues with multiples outputs from a single jack, pitch CVs included.
VCV actually allows multple inputs to be stacked (CVs are summed), but MM doesn’t. According to Dan, one input or another is chosen.
Voltage drops are unwanted side effect and also dependent on modules involved, so would not be modeled. Voltages are simply summed. It’s simply a convenience function.
I’m not sure if they clip, unlikely - if they do, I’d expect a hard clip…
If you’d want to simulate drop, you’d just use a mixer.
So what issues have you had with mutliple outputs? According to VCV support, multiple outputs from a jack are simply copies.
its just with physical ports.
so if you connect an output to physical OUT 1, and then also connect same output to another module, then output does not go to that second module. ( * )
main use case is wanting to send the DRY output to an output (e.g. out1) and also send it to an fx module and send that wet output to another outputs (e.g. out2)
note: not tested no latest firmware, as I got into the habit of working around this.
(you can workaround it easily by using another module… at the cost of a bit of cpu)
( * ) iirc, there are some other UI issues in this area too… which is why I was unsure if this is suppose to be possible or not. it seems there are other cases where its not expecting this to be allowed.
Ah, I see. I had what could be a related problem with sending Audible(Mutable) Instruments Resonator outputs direct to MM’s Audio/CV Outs. If both were then connected to a hardware mixer module, I only got audio in one channel; if just one output was connected, then the audio output was as expected. I tried all the Audio/CV outs with the same results. Very strange, although I haven’t checked this with more recent firmware.
if this is only MI stuff, then could be connected to the normalisation behaviour on its modules.
Rings :
if you only have a jack plugged into Odd, you get odd + even mixed.
if you have both connected then odd → odd , even → even.
if you only have jack in even, then you just get even into it.
its similar with Plaits.
I suppose so, but I get both outputs simultaneously in VCV.
yeah, you should do… thats why I wondered if it was an issue with the physical jack mapping.
do you get the behaviour if you go via another module?
I’ll check that out.
Using the modulated/inharmonic string setting, going direct to the audio module, I get simultaneous outputs in VCV rack. Going direct to MM audio outs, I just get the left. Adding STMIX or a couple of DDLYs in between makes no difference.
Hmm… Can you send me a yml file that illustrates this? I’m not seeing this happen (and it’s not supposed to happen).
Hmm… yes, I’m seeing this problem too. I’ll check it out
Ok, so actually it seems to be working the same as it does on VCV Rack when you feed a gate into the Strum input. I do see some differences when I feed a gate into the IN jack, but… the module has issues with gates on that jack since it creates huge DC offsets when you do that, so I think feeding audio into IN and gates into Strum is how the module was designed anyways.
The thing is that if the Polyphony Select Switch is set to Mono (to the left = green light) then it’s Mono so it only comes out one channel when the Resonator type is set to Modal (green). Same thing happens on VCV.
So, are you feeding gates into the IN jack by chance? Try the Strum jack and see if that works.
Thanks for investigating this, Dan. Here’s the patch I was using:
Res try.yml (4.9 KB)
The outputs do seem to be working as expected now, including L & R panning of odd/even notes in some of the modes. I’ve updated to 1.4.2.
Ok great! Glad it’s all working now for you