Published v0.4: added stepSeq and trigSeq modules
I tried using Clocker2 in my VCV Rack patch and it isn’t recognized by MM. Using v2.0.0-dev-11.2.
Did you save patch using metamoduleHub? If so, I imagine why it happens. I will try to fix it with a new version
Yeah, I am using the wi-fi adapter to save the patch.
Updated to v0.5 and changed plugin name to SickoCV according to VCV-Rack name.
It should work now, let me know.
Awesome! It loadewd! Thanks!
Unfortunately, I have experienced the same problem. I have SickoQuant and Slewer. I can load the modules in MM, but cannot transfer them from vcv.
I have noticed that some names in MM have an “L” at the end. This sounds similar to the previous post. I have used v0.5 and v2 11.3.
I opened the .yml with notepad ++ and wrote the “L” in the module name. Now I could load the patch normally in MM.
It is working now, but it will not autoload for some reason. I have to manually load it each time I power down. Not sure why.
Thank you…I was thinking that might have something to do with it since MM selects plugins based on version number. It makes sense that anything without the v2.0.0-dev status would be ignored.
Published v0.6 version.
I replaced “light” versions of modules to regular ones, so patches from VCV should work.
I don’t know how necessary the filename suffix “v2.0.0-dev-11.0” is, maybe @danngreen can help us with this.
I can confirm the suffix is not required as I have successfully loaded a SickoCV module -WaveTabler. Also got triqSeq and DrumPlayer+ working. I’m doing this solely on MM just to be clear. Someone will probably have to test VCV side of things.
Published v0.7
- changed the sample limit to 23Mb (about 1 minute @ 48Khz stereo) on sampler modules to avoid running out of memory
I tried again this morning with SickoCv 0.7 and V2 11.3 and 3 times each.
Without the suffix “-v2.0.0-dev-11.0.” the plugin is not loaded after restarting MM. I can make a video if it is necessary…
No thanks. If you say so, I trust you. Maybe next updates will be the official ones. So please be patient, and rename it, if it works for you.
I have another question…
After making a change and saving the patch, I get this message. The patch is in play mode, when I stop it the save is executed regularly.
Thanks for report, maybe @danngreen has an answer to it
The message does not appear for patches without sickocv plugin. I also noticed that all settings on the modules from vcv were not transferred, I use Mod7, sQuant and slwr…
My last patches were all without SickoCv. I tried my first one yesterday
Ok, which modules/settings in detail?