Multichannel Midi not working

I think it is essential that every MIDI mapping learned on the MM (to control knobs/buttons or jacks or anything) should be MIDI channel specific (option 3). It is very limiting otherwise and I was quite surprised when I discovered this (so quickly after trying to integrate the MM into my performance rig which depends on MIDI channels to achieve what I need). Option 1 as a temporary stand in will indeed very much help (I’ve a gig in a couple of weeks where I require the ability to specify MIDI channel on the MM for mappings… *fingers crossed for asap solution!)

The most awesome way, for me, to do this is to use a “MIDI learn” feature, that when you highlight a control, jack or whatever on the MM, then provide a MIDI signal, that signal’s MIDI Channel (and CC# if it was a MIDI CC) would get mapped to the target. No matter what channel it was on. Then these mappings would get saved with the patch.

Any progress on at least getting the Meta out of omni mode so I can add it to my setup? That would be a great first step!

Yes, v2.0 has a port of the VCV Free MIDI->CV module, which handles selecting a channel.
v2.0.0-dev-3 has the channel selection. The UI is still a little rough, but it’s there.
I have not written code to have the MM hub on VCV automatically translate patches made with the Rack MIDI->CV module into a MM patch using this new module. The only way it works in this dev version is for you to add the MIDI->CV module to your patch from within MetaModule hardware (not using VCV). And then patch it up!

Update: Here’s the post announcing v2.0.0-dev-3 (warning: firmware has some glitches, experimental!)